2018 . 03 . 21

Everything about face lift and surgeries along side with it

Face lift surgery, clinically known as rhytidectomy, is a procedure used to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Facelift, clinically known as rhytidectomy, is a procedure used to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles and other signs of aging. The goal is the improvement of the overall appearance of the face and jaw. Face lift surgery can help to reverse the harmful effects of time, stress, and exposure to the elements. To perform this procedure, our facial plastic surgeon will lift and tighten the underlying muscles of the face to create more aesthetically pleasing contours appearance and rejuvenate the facial structure.

In addition to traditional full face lifts, there are several other variations of the procedure to address specific areas of the face. Many surgeons use advanced, minimally invasive techniques to minimize discomfort and downtime. For qualified patients, face lift surgery can be an excellent investment, providing a fresher, more youthful appearance for years to come. A long-term follow-up study published in 2014 found that after an average follow-up of 12.6 years, 68.5 percent of face lift patients rated their current degree of improvement as very good or beyond expectations, and an equal number felt that 10 or more years had been added to their youthful appearance.


Face lift surgery can be an effective way to improve appearance and boost self-confidence, but it is not for everyone. Some patients might find that they can achieve their cosmetic goals with a non-invasive procedure, such as a chemical peel or microdermabrasion. Others may be happier with their results if they combine face lift surgery with other procedures, such as a neck lift or forehead lift (also known as a brow lift). Patients who understand both the possibilities and limitations of face lift surgery tend to be more pleased with their results.

How to tell if you are a good candidate for Face lift surgery?

The best face lift candidates have realistic expectations and are willing and able to follow the pre and post-operative instructions provided by plastic surgeons. After a one-on-one consultation, the doctor can advise a patient as to whether he or she is a good candidate for a face lift, or whether an alternate procedure might be preferable.

Ideal candidates for face lift surgery share certain important traits. The following is a list of factors that can affect whether or not an individual is a good candidate for face lift surgery:

  • Skin elasticity: A good face lift candidate will have skin that retains some of its natural suppleness and flexibility. This is important because, during the procedure, the surgeon tightens the facial skin to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Successful healing with optimal results depends on having skin that is able to conform to its new, improved contours.
  • Strong bone structure: Ideally, a face lift candidate will have a well-defined underlying bone structure to provide support and contribute to satisfying results. Patients with less distinct features may benefit from facial implants as an alternative or addition to a face lift.
  • Realistic expectations: A candidate should understand not only what face lifts can accomplish, but also the limitations of facial plastic surgery procedures. Consulting with a plastic surgeon can help a patient obtain the information needed to make the right decision about surgery.
  • Good overall health: A good face lift candidate will be generally healthy and will inform surgeon of any preexisting medical conditions well in advance. A face lift is an invasive procedure that requires significant healing and recovery, so it is essential that the patient be physically prepared for surgery.
  • Loose skin on the face or neck: Face lift candidates typically want to remove excess skin from the face or neck, tightening skin and reducing the appearance of wrinkles simultaneously. The surgeon trims the loose skin during the procedure.

Facelift for Men

Face lift surgery isn’t just for women. Men can also turn to rhytidectomy to erase the signs of aging and achieve a younger, rejuvenated look. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) reports that over a 5-year period beginning in 2010, face lifts for men have increased by 44 percent. The steps of the procedure are typically the same for both sexes, and both men and women can enjoy outstanding cosmetic results.

Treatment options include:

Traditional Full Face lift:

A full face lift offers the most comprehensive results. With this procedure, the doctor can address deep creases below the eyes, sagging around the cheeks, lines around the mouth, excess fat and skin under the chin, jowls, and more. Because it targets a larger area, the treatment requires a longer incision. It usually runs along the temple, around the ear, and down to the neck, as described above. Full face lifts can address more dramatic signs of aging, and, thus, they are popular among patients in their 50’s and 60’s.

Mid Face lift:

During a mid face lift, a surgeon can lift and tighten the tissues below the eyes and around the cheeks. To perform this procedure the doctor will create incisions that are similar to those used in a traditional face lift, but they will typically be deeper. This technique allows him to lift the muscles that are normally untouched by a traditional face lift. He may also use fat grafting or facial implants to enhance contours and create more defined cheekbones. Because this procedure does not address all the signs of aging, it is often suitable for men and women in their 30’s and 40’s who are simply looking to rejuvenate their appearance.

Mini Face lift:

Mini face lifts involve smaller incisions and a shorter recovery time. As with the mid face lift, this surgery targets a smaller area, primarily treating the jaw, lower cheeks, and neck. The doctor will usually locate the incisions along the hairline and behind the ear. Through these incisions, the doctor will lift the muscles, remove fat unwanted fat deposits, and eliminate excess skin. Many surgeons perform mini face lifts using endoscopic techniques. Like mid face lifts, this procedure is common among somewhat younger patients who are showing the first signs of aging.

Lower Face lift:

As the name implies, lower face lifts target the bottom third of the face. This procedure can be an excellent way to eliminate jowls, reduce deep nasolabial folds, lift the sagging corners of the mouth, and enhance the jaw. The procedure itself is similar to other types of face lifts, and the doctor will create incisions along the patient’s ears and hairline. Lower face lifts are suitable for patients of all ages who want to decrease the signs of aging and enjoy a more youthful appearance.

Thread Face lift:

Thread face lifts are a quick, minimally invasive alternative to traditional face lifts. During this procedure, a surgeon will create tiny stitches just below the skin to lift the underlying muscles. This procedure can often be performed without anesthesia and leaves no visible scars. This treatment is most suitable for patients in their 30’s and 40’s who simply want to make minor adjustments to their appearance.

Achieving a More Youthful Appearance

After making the incisions, the surgeon will lift the facial skin from the underlying tissue. Removing excess fat and skin and tighten the surrounding muscles to improve the contours and appearance of the patient’s face. The skin is then re positioned with stitches or staples, and the treated area is wrapped in bandages. The removal of accumulated fat and excess skin generally results in a noticeable reduction of sagging and age lines in the face. Combined with the tightening of facial muscles, such face lift surgery procedures can give patients a refreshed, younger-looking, and more vibrant appearance.

Common Surgical Procedures to Add

Cosmetic surgeries frequently combined with face lift surgery include:
  • Lip augmentation: Lips that are too thin can be enlarged with specially formulated fillers Surgilips®, Juvederm Ultra® or Restylane Lipp®. With the aim of minimizing the feeling of discomfort for the patient, our partner clinic performs this procedure using local anesthesia. The injection causes lip swelling which disappears in 1-3 days. The patient may apply make-up on the next day after the procedure. The effect of the procedure lasts for 9-12 months. Women who wish to have a permanent lip correction are offered special soft lip implants Permalip®, which enhance lips forever. Lip augmentation is performed under local anesthesia and the procedure takes less than an hour. Shortly after the procedure patients can leave the clinic and go back to the hotel or home. The implant is inserted through minor sections made in the inner part of the lip. After this surgery lip swelling can persist for several weeks. The major advantage of this surgery is that after a single minor surgery you will enjoy the changed form of your lips for a long time.
  • Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty): Eyelid rejuvenation is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin or fatty deposits from eyelids. The treatment usually gives eyes a more youthful, rested appearance. Both eyes are treated to keep a symmetrical appearance. Upper and lower eyelids may be treated separately or at one time. Other facial surgeries such as face-lift or skin resurfacing may be performed in combination. However, to keep procedures from affecting each other, they may be scheduled separately.

Common Non-Surgical Procedures to Add

While face lifts can dramatically enhance sagging skin and deep creases, the procedure cannot address find lines, sun damage, and other surface blemishes. To target these concerns, a surgeon may recommend a procedure such as:

  • Blood plasma (PRP) therapy procedure
  • Chemical peeling
  • Hyaluronic acid injections for wrinkles
  • Botulinum toxin injections for wrinkles
  • DermaRoller therapy

Read more about these procedures HERE.

Of course, not all of these additional treatments are suitable for every patient. Surgeons will discuss these options at the initial consultation. In this way, they can integrate them into the treatment plan in a way that will minimize surgical and recovery time.

Long-term Results

Though a face lift is not a permanent solution to aging, it can set back the clock by several years. Once the swelling has gone down and your face has finished healing, you will have a chance to fully appreciate your face lift results. The goal of face lift surgery is to rejuvenate the face and give it a fresher appearance.
The benefits of facelift surgery continue to expand as the procedure becomes more comprehensive and complex. Today, the procedure has an unparalleled ability to restore a patient’s youthful appearance.

Minimizing Risks

Face lift complications are infrequent, but there are certain things that patients can do to reduce their risks even further. First, they should be upfront and honest with their doctors, especially regarding health history, smoking, and drug use. Failure to disclose this information could lead to serious complications that could otherwise be avoided. Second, it is important to follow the doctor’s pre and post-surgical instructions. Finally, it is extremely important to quit smoking two weeks before and two weeks after a face lift. Patients who fail to heed this advice are far more likely to have difficulties healing, visible scarring, and unsatisfactory results.

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